Wednesday, May 9, 2007

final post!

In case anyone's still reading, I am back in the u.s. of a. I had a great last stop in London where I stayed with my wonferful long-lost cousin Elizabeth (who's actually not that long-lost since she is my mom's 2nd cousin).

I really liked London (despite the fact that it is a more expensive ny with ruder people), and saw the majority of tourist things.: changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace (obviously overrated but I'm glad I went); the British museum; millions of places with "square" at the end; the Tate Modern; Big Ben (ony from the outside, i was not paying for that tour); the Globe Theare.And I saw my first opera, with Elizabeth! It was about Ganhi in South Africa, so that was a nice full-circle thing.

And I had a lovely time with my friend Yuxing, who's spending a quarter in London, and she took me on the Notting Hill movie tour and ate bangers and mash and Indian food (not together). We also went to pubs and met library students who told us about how the dewey decimal system is outdated.

The flight home was kind of awful and included an already unnecesarry layover in D.C. that became 8 hours. But then I got home after an incredible journey. And now I'm on a mini-vacay in Chicago. And in a week I enter the real world