Thursday, April 26, 2007

Some days are like that, even in South Africa

I'm in Cape Town for a few days, staying on the couch of my friend Deepa, who's on TM and living on Long Street. This morning I woke up to gross weather, (killing my plans to go to the beach). I had an interview with an important source but I didn't want to take the train and since Deepa owns every episode of Gilmore Girls I said somewhat jokingly, "I kind of want to just stay in and watch Gilmore Girls." Be careful what you wish for.

Deepa left the key for me downstairs, but the maid took it, thinking it was left there by accident. And of course my cell phone wasn't working. So I stopped a stranger and asked to use her celll to call Deepa and cancel my interview. Then the cell phone started working. But I was out of minutes on my cell phone. So I took my chances and gave money to a stranger to buy my airtime. But then the airtime wouldn't work. So I watched an episode of Gilmore Girls. But then it did, so I called Deepa and she gave me the number of the landlord who let me out.

So I got out, rescheduled the interview and even got to sit in on a TAC court hearing. So all is well in the world.

I leave for London tomorrow! I'm ready.

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