Thursday, March 29, 2007

more cape town

Tuesday March 27

I woke up early to go to a Parliament meeting. A source of Steph suggested she go, and Tin aand I went, thinking it would be interesting. It wasn't, but now I can cross South Africa parliamentary meeting off my to-do list. I also had an interview with a nice man at a government think tank who put AIDS activism into context. At night Steph and I had sushi dinner with a nice (but boring photographer)

Wednesday March 28

Early interview with an American working on AIDS activism in the am, who discussed the comparison of U.S. and South African activism. Then Steph and I attempted to
go to Robben Island. Unfortunately, tickets were sold out. We bought tickets for Monday am, and went off. Steph was meeting someone at 3, so I went to the beach. Lovely of course. Since I've been spending sooo much money, on the way back I took a mini-cab,
which is a group taxi that has stops. I was one of three white people, and the cab got dropped off in a neighborhood not far from where I'm staying. It was weird, because everyone was black, which is normal for South Africa, but most of the people on Long Street are white. It's a pretty segregrated city. But so are most cities, I guess.

At night we went to a club Fashion TV where all the beautiful people of Cape Town go. The cigarette promoter who doesn't' smoke got us into a VIP room. This jappy (jsappy?) woman started talked to me at one point about how she's going to the U.S. and already has lined up Jdates in three cities.

Thursday March 28

I climbed Lion's Head. Which is a mountain (not Table Mountain, the bigger mountain, we're all doing next week). If you know me, you know I'm not exactly a hiker. But I realized I had never climbed a mountain by myself, and I wanted a solo activity. So after a small snafu (the cab driver thought I wanted to go to Lion's Head LODGE instead of the mountain) four hours late I had been up AND down a beautiful mountain. all by myself.

And tonight we're having dinner at Mama Africa and I will finally get to eat ostrich!

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